I’ve just expressed what a great master I am, and I’ve come to realize that I just need to accept it and allow myself to be the guru—the real, authentic guru that I am. A teacher of new consciousness, of this amazing consciousness of freedom. I’ve dedicated my entire life to becoming who I am today. Maybe I haven’t achieved human grandness or riches, but that’s only because I didn’t really care about them until now. My only focus was on becoming the master, freeing myself, opening my consciousness, and realizing the truth of reality and of myself. And I’ve done that—more than I ever imagined.
You know, my original contract for this lifetime was set to end at 22 years old. That was my original plan—to leave at that age and just ascend. I had this opportunity, even before that age, because I unfolded my soul plan much faster than expected. Everything happened much faster than I anticipated. But here I am—37, almost 38—so it’s quite a success that I’m still alive. Since my original exit moment, I’ve had many exit moments because being a master on Earth is very difficult, especially at this time. Mass consciousness is much denser now, making it even tougher.
Being a master means you are very sensitive—extremely sensitive—and you feel energies like no one else, except perhaps other masters and empathic, open humans. Enlightenment is all about being open—opening your consciousness, your feelings, your sensitivities, and also your power, your expression, your clarity. This way, you’re not just overwhelmed by the energies you feel, but you also have the ability to discern and express what’s in your heart. And you have the ability to listen—to listen to the song of your soul. That’s tough, especially when you’re amongst other humans. But when you give yourself a bit of solitude, it becomes much easier to listen to and feel into your own soul song, or soul music, as you might call it.
Another thing I feel like sharing right now is that being a master is all about being in the moment. You have to live in the now, without worry, without story—without the blurring of your own presence that happens when the mind strays off into other realms. This physicality becomes the foundation for your soul to join you. It cannot join you and create all the miracles if you’re not here, if you’re not in your body, if you’re not in your material reality. This is very important and somewhat counterintuitive in a spiritual sense because, as humans, we’re programmed to believe that being spiritual means neglecting the material world—materialism, ego, and so forth. These have been placed in a basket labeled “wrong,” but they’re not. They’re beautiful, they’re amazing, and it’s all about that—being material and loving it.
This is the doorway—the compassion for the material, the embracing of it—and life becomes that flow point, the focus point for divine energies to infuse into. They have to ground somewhere, like a bolt from the sky—not in an overwhelming way, like thunder, but as a constant flow of electric energy. You become the focal point of that. Just imagine being connected to this thunderbolt all the time—it’s your own soul bolt, really. It’s subtle, sweet, peaceful, loving—you could even say warm. It’s tough to describe, but just feel it—feel this bolt, the bolt of your soul. Do you get it? You have it. It also makes you bold. Indeed, it’s the courage, the platform for life to thrive.
This is what it means that Gaia is leaving because she was the grounder, the energy manager when it comes to material life, to the infusion of divine energy. And the more you become the receiver and manager of this energy in your materiality, the less you need the aid of Gaia. Feel that, exactly. Humans often think of themselves as insignificant, like it’s just a coincidence that we exist or that we’re just another step in the animal kingdom’s evolution. But no, no, no. Human beings are for whom all of this was created, and actually by whom all of this was created. This world, this reality we live in, is for us to enjoy, exactly, and to have a type of playground or school for becoming adult creators.
You are in your own reality, set up to realize the lessons you’ve planned for yourself in this lifetime. And if you’re listening to this right now, there’s a very good chance that you’ve planned everything on your path to becoming a master—to have your final lesson, you could say. Not just a lesson, but the experience of letting go of lessons. There comes a moment when you graduate from school, and you’re there to enjoy life, to create with all the wisdom and knowledge you’ve gained. You can now move on and do things your way.
It’s really important to realize that everything you’ve experienced so far, and everything you will experience, is your own creation. Well, not only yours, because there are agreements with other people—it’s like creating a show, or a theatrical production, or a movie. Let’s call it a movie. You are the director and the main character at the same time, just like everyone else. But realize this: the setup of your life right now and everything that happens in it is for a reason. You can’t find that reason by searching for answers in your mind or in someone else’s teachings, channelings, or even private sessions. These might help up to a point, but ultimately, it’s all yours. It’s all your experience that you are creating for you. You see, exactly, my friend.
So, to sum it all up: I am Sananda Emmanuel, and it’s amazing to be a soulful master. Truly it is. And I’m calling myself that—I am the heart of humanity because this is who I am. I am the human who has lived through everything you can imagine throughout a thousand or more lifetimes. A thousand one hundred sixty-five is the exact number, but it’s not exact because lifetimes don’t work like that—they’re not linear. So, giving a number like that is a bit of a misrepresentation. But okay, you could view my lifetimes and attach this number to them, or you could view them in another way and attach any number whatsoever. Let’s just say that I am an old soul, and I’ve been here from the very beginning. Yes, from the very beginning, exactly.
If you’re listening to this, I bet you are too. If you are awakened and claiming your mastery in this lifetime, and you’re listening to this, it means that you are a very old soul—one of the first ones who volunteered to come here as the first wave, exactly. So, I am Sananda Emmanuel because I choose to be. Sananda means of the pure heart, of the light, you could say, of the stars. Yes, the light of the stars that are yet unseen but will be, and I am bringing this light into this planet—the light of the future, the light of delight. Exactly, the light of delight, the light for light, you could call it.
Sananda also means that I am a teacher, that I am of the highest consciousness and energy possible. The highest means the most clear and integrated, and this is the result of my lifetimes dedicated to spiritual work, dedicated to the path, the way, the Tao, exactly. And Emmanuel is exactly that too. Emmanuel means the teacher; it means of the heart, full presence, let’s say warm presence, wise human teacher, experienced teacher. Sananda Emmanuel—light of the stars brought into human wisdom. Ah, now feel that. Yeah, human wisdom is the greatest wisdom—it really is.
You know, I am no different from Lukas, who is the human living on Earth, but I am just his most elegant voice. You all know this—you all have different clothes for different occasions, but you probably don’t realize that you have different voices for different occasions, different expressions of your soul. And these expressions are to be embraced and allowed to be expressed. You know what I mean? Because people suppress this voice so much—they’ve been trained to suppress it. This voice means being the master, being the authority, being clear, being royal, being the boss, the chief, the amazing one, the freedom, the sovereignty. Exactly. That’s why humans were programmed not to have it—because some other humans and blah blah blah. You know the story.
So you can make a choice right now, today, to let your own Sananda Emmanuel voice and energy—the most elegant energy clothing you have, the most royal one within you—come out. Exactly. And be the master, be the guru in your own life. Yes, yes. And with that, I wish you all the best in your own expressions in life. Namaste.